Thursday, September 10, 2015

Why is Anime Fandom in a Slump? its the fault of the Fandom!

 There are countless reasons said by many a commentator  that anime and manga fandom have stagnated in the west if not internationally. monotony in formats lack of creativity, the blurring of lines between (what some commentaries refer to as) the ridiculous and sublime that is the ad-hoc over use of fanservice  of either sexual or violent nature, fast buck creators rebooting legendary franchises to make another penny while alienating their fan religionists. ( the surge in rabid fanboy ism and fangirl ism ie "Japanese definition otaku") and the huge (by medium standards) cottage industries that pander to them often to the disdain of  "regular" fans the age old sub vs dub  non-debates  however none of these is the main reason why anime has stagnated. the reason in my opinion can be described when I saw a rant  from a tumblr called magicalgirlconfessions.

Thin skinned hypocritical "confessional" propaganda like the tumblr above, fanboy/fangirl wars,
 wars between anime fandoms and ad-hoc elitism from older established fans against newer fans
 rather than quality issues and other scapegoat are the real reason why
anime and manga fandom has been in a slump and has had trouble winning new fans lately

The above mentioned had inspired this post and the my personal theory as to the real reason why anime and manga fandom nowadays is in a funk.  The real reason why anime has stagnated (at least  in the west  however this also may be true in Japan too to a lesser degree however this is a western problem)  is because of the rise of the fan snobs and elitists. they have sadly become the dominion of the renmant of the fan community today. they are comprised of Traditional professional critics/columnists/commentators/bloggers, veteran fans with vast knowledge (thence giving them a large ego amongst the fan community), trolls that take pride in offending fans of things they hate. rabid fangirl/boys of series that often religiously view their series or genre as "sacred" among others many of the above mentioned may freely (albeit without reason usually using emotions rather than objective facts or if using facts using flawed half truths slanted toward their argument ) attack another genre/ fans of said genre. hypocrisy, lies, slander, prejudice, and arrogance are the ingredients of these said fans. in this nook of the community facts and clarity are to take a back seat to misdirected passion, itself a overused thin line term describing the zeal of fandom . many of them are like minded and often use their shallow egos to attempt to get as many people to agree with them to have the aura of accomplishing the objective of manipulating their opinion to where their opinion is, because they have bamboozled a multitude that said opinion is now undisputed fact, they disregard facts and reality that argues, refutes or plainly disproves their logics being fact. Egalitarianism is thrown out the window and the messy wars of words is the rule of the day. as mentioned. many of the above mentioned often use the word passion as a defense mechanism to back their attitudes, this is over used and unjustified, as many of these elitists even the best educated ones often use passion as a "race card" to perform unlimited kinds of slander, spread lies, use convincing opinions to manipulate many greenhorns as it they were authority. this is the major reason why the general community (which has thanks to technology and word of mouth grown into a signficant fandom over 20 years) has kind of soured and became a haters ball of elititists rather the universe of new worlds and dimensions that it once was fifteen or 20 years ago. the established fans and so-called authorities have a lock on what anime and manga is to be like and how its fandom is to act.

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